Do more with simple tools and smart processes.
Process prospective students seamlessly, option to customize to fit your admissions process, providing a hassle free process for enrolling students.
Track progress and review a student's application form and manage their journey with ease, migrate students from application to enrollment without re-entry of data
It's traditional to receive admission inquires and enrollment via email, on Edureck inquires / enrollments are unified, saved for ease of bulk response via email / SMS
Unified information management system
Ease in tracking transactions
Comprehensive track of student’s profile, basic, personal & guardian’s information, while giving unique ID for all students.
Create and manage classes, classroom with different arms, assigning different teachers and students to a particular classroom
Communication is very essential, every user has the ability to socialize in groups, private messages.
Configure the how the system reports to you, starting from result designs to actual result computation.
Create, manage and configure subject, assign to different classes, designed to accommodate elective and compulsory subjects.
Easily configure and management academic period across classes, while making it visible across other users.
Set row call parameters, which send notification to guardian when their wards is absent in school.
Get information circulated fast and effective. One of the most convenient means of passing updates on status of a process or situation
Plan the school academic year, select national holidays to observe, sends notification on specific actions.
Keep track of all transactions easily. Students and parents can easily see history of payment made to the school in one simple location.
Schedule and plan finance better, create budget for recurring expenses and get notified when exceeding it, make decisions based on data.
Robust financial information with a Comprehensive Fee classification system, Easy analysis of fee defaulters and fee structure available.
Customize and manage different category of expenses effortlessly, simple yet well detailed, maintaining account principle and automated processes.
Giving option to different channels for fees collection, transparent and easy processes; Credit cards, Bank Account Deduction and Bank Transfers
Comprehensive track records of different classification of income as side fees (Tuition, Library, Bus E.t.c.) and automated transactions.
Student's behavioural analytics give insight on student's attitude to learning, using data accumulated out time
Get financial details of your school, with ease and compare figures using our interactive graphs and charts
Get comprehensive report on overall school academics with comparison to student's past performance
Using SMS to notify users (Parents/Teacher/Admin) of activities within on the system or school notice
Our email integration helps you keep in touch with parents/teachers/students, regarding notice, invoices, Et.c
Giving convenience to paying fees without visiting the school, invoice in their respective email
All the tool a school needs to make learning and administration easy